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tat* – Inspirational Graphic Ephemera

Tat* is a bit of a graph­ic designer’s curse. Walk into any design stu­dio and you’ll see bits and pieces of graph­ic ephemera pinned to the walls or taped to a com­put­er screen. Even the purist will have a secret cache hid­den away some­where. Design­er Andy Alt­mann has been col­lect­ing tat for more than 30 years. He finds inspi­ra­tion in the ordi­nary, and mag­ic in the mun­dane. Final­ly he has decid­ed to share his col­lec­tion with the world. Con­ceived and edit­ed by Andy, this is the apoth­e­o­sis of tat. A visu­al trea­sure trove, full of sur­pris­es, it should find a place on every graph­ic designer’s desk.

* tat (noun) – any­thing that looks cheap, is of low qual­i­ty, or in poor con­di­tion; junk, rub­bish, debris, detri­tus, crap, shite

Andy Alt­mann is a found­ing part­ner at Why Not Asso­ciates, one of the UK’s lead­ing mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary design com­pa­nies. Although he trained as a graph­ic design­er, Andy’s work typ­i­cal­ly blurs the bound­ary between design and art. His projects range from exhi­bi­tion design to postage stamps, via adver­tis­ing, pub­lish­ing, tele­vi­sion titles, com­mer­cials, cor­po­rate iden­ti­ty and large-scale pub­lic art. The com­mon thread is a fun­da­men­tal love of typog­ra­phy, research and experimentation.

Author and designer
Andy Altmann

25 × 21cm
10 × 8 ¼ in
400 colour illustrations
£45 | $60

ISBN 978-1-911422-27-3