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Auto Erotica

With Auto Erot­i­ca, pho­tog­ra­ph­er Ale­jan­dra Guer­rero takes us on a seduc­tive visu­al ride. A break­down on a remote road, a dou­ble life, a body shop after hours, day­dream­ing in traf­fic, an illic­it tryst … these are just some of the scenes in which she makes the car a pro­tag­o­nist. Guer­rero grew up against a back­drop of sleek auto­mo­biles. As a child she would sit in the driver’s seat of her mother’s Mer­cedes and imag­ine her­self one day being in con­trol of such an ele­gant machine. Her father was a mechan­i­cal engi­neer who made a hob­by of fix­ing up cool cars, and she would watch him at work, tak­ing in the details of fins and fend­ers. It sparked a fas­ci­na­tion, which became an adult pas­sion, which even­tu­al­ly inspired an entire body of work. Auto Erot­i­ca is Guerrero’s sec­ond mono­graph with Cir­ca and fol­lows Wicked Women down the same elec­tri­fy­ing road.

Miss Rosen is a New York-based writer whose focus is on art, pho­tog­ra­phy, and cul­ture. Her work has been pub­lished in books, mag­a­zines, and web­sites includ­ing Time, Vogue, Aper­ture, and Art­sy, among others.

Cars are in my blood­stream – I love them as objects of desire and adven­ture. I’ve owned many cars and made count­less road trips, and always get a kick from being behind the wheel.’ – Ale­jan­dra Guerrero

Alejandra Guerrero
Miss Rosen
Cover artwork
Jean-Michel Dentand
Book design

26 × 30cm
10 ¼ × 11 ¾ in
Approx. 220 colour and b&w photographs
£60 | $75

ISBN 978-1-911422-33-4