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Mark Fisher – Too Much is Never Enough

Andrew Holmes

Mark Fish­er was the cre­ator and design­er of a new art form: the trav­el­ling rock show. His exu­ber­ant stage sets framed artists from The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, U2, Madon­na, Lady Gaga and Jean-Michel Jarre to Elton John and Tina Turn­er. There were thou­sands of con­certs and hun­dreds of bravu­ra set­tings, from the 2000 Lon­don Mil­len­ni­um show to the 2008 Bei­jing Olympic Games, as well as per­ma­nent struc­tures, such as the 2,000-seater the­atre and stage machin­ery for  by Cirque du Soleil, in Las Vegas, and the Dai Show The­atre, in Chi­na. Each of these projects first found expres­sion in Fisher’s sketch­books and on his draw­ing board. This book spans his entire career, with details of every major project and more than 100 draw­ings – some of which are vir­tu­al­ly per­for­mances in their own right.

In 1977, I went on the road with the Floyd, and that was real­ly the moment I ran away and joined the cir­cus.’ – Mark Fisher

Andrew Holmes is an artist, and Emer­i­tus Pro­fes­sor of Archi­tec­ture at Oxford Brookes Uni­ver­si­ty. He was for­mer­ly Guest Pro­fes­sor at the Tech­nis­che Uni­ver­si­taat, Berlin, and a Vis­it­ing Schol­ar at the Get­ty Research Insti­tute. For many years he was an inno­v­a­tive and inspi­ra­tional tutor at the Archi­tec­tur­al Asso­ci­a­tion. He and Mark Fish­er were close friends.


30 × 30cm
12 × 12 in
220pp plus 8 fold-outs
140 b&w and colour illustrations

£75 | $95

ISBN 978-1-911422-48-8
